Join The Friends of the Pittsfield Public Library
The Friends of the Library is a membership organization that supports the library through member's dues and volunteer activities.
Who are the friends?
People who care about libraries.
Provide support in many ways.
Individuals who are interested in promoting the Pittsfield Public Library by improving library services, resources, and promote the library's role in the community.
What do friends do?
Stimulate public support for the library and promote awareness and use of the resources available.
Assist in maintaining, improving and enlarging the resources and services of the library.
Raise funds to support programs and grant gifts to the library.
Advocate for the present and future needs of the library.
The Friends author and lecture programs, book sales, library open house and other activities throughout the year. If you enjoy these events and activities, please consider joining the Friends.
Funds raised are used to:
Sponsor computer equipment for public use.
Supplement funding for Library projects and materials.
Sponsor programs for adults & children.
A membership form is availble at the library.
Member - $10
Patron - $25
Benefactor - $50
Business Sponsor - $100
Book Donation Information
When considering a book donation to the annual sale please remember the following guidelines: We do not accept encyclopedia sets, magazines, condensed readers, textbooks, and older reference books. Please check the condition of the books you are donating (particularly if they are worn or musty). Books can be dropped off at Pittsfield Public Library during regular library hours. If you are unable to drop your books off, please contact the library at 487-5880.